The Game of Thrones Review

I avoided watching Game of Thrones for a long time because I was convinced that I would read the books before delving into the TV show. If I had taken steps to make this happen…like buying the book and starting to read it, maybe I would’ve succeeded, but it did not happen.

Instead I began to watch the show when I couldn’t stand being out of the loop any longer. Each week I limited myself to one episode in the hopes that I could savor each hour-long treat. Quickly, I became engrossed in the story line and committed to the characters’ lives. After finishing season seven, and along with the rest of the world, began waiting for season eight to premiere, I decided to finally crack open the book that started all of this.

During one of my visits to the local bookstore. You know, one of those innocent visits where you promise yourself that you’re simply browsing for fun. Yeah, well, I ended up buying the first book. It called out to me and I knew I had to commit to the purchase or I’d never end up reading the story I enjoyed watching so much. Image result for the game of thrones book 1

It’s rare that I start a book already knowing what’s going to happen. It didn’t put me off of the book too much. I was curious to learn about George R.R. Martin’s writing style and the detailed characterization that books reveal. Overall, it was a refreshing read.

Just over 800 pages, this book looks daunting from the outside, but it is an easy read that you will cut through like butter. Martin weaves his story artfully and I enjoy all his choices for syntax and tone. Obviously the TV show influenced my interpretation of the characters, but I was able to learn more about them in these pages, and I could take my time to become familiar with the houses and the landscape. The fast paced TV show didn’t make house history or geography too easy to follow (for me).

After finishing the last chapter I became excited for more, just the same as I did after finishing season 1. Even though I knew what came next, I was bubbling with anticipation to read the next volume. We shall see when that happens (my book list is staggeringly long), but I know I will one day. I’ve heard the show doesn’t completely fall in line with the books and I am curious to learn the differences.

Even if you’ve seen the show, I recommend reading The Game of Thrones. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s satisfying to relive the visual story through a different medium.